KPAM turns customers’ verbatim feedback
into Customer Journey Maps.

The subjects expressed in your Voice of Customers are measured and translated into touch points of the Customer Journey.
They are visualized with key metrics, making it stunningly easy to identify the pain points, delight potentials, moments of truth, and to prioritize action plans.

What does it look like?

KPAM Retail Customer Journey 2018

Here is an example of a Retail Customer Journey. All moments of the Customer Journey are identified and evaluated in terms of impact (positive and negative) and occurrence. These two metrics highlight the moments of truth of the Customer Experience. They point out both memorable and miserable moments.

The potential for improvement of the Customer Experience is highlighted, at every point of interaction. The satisfaction and delight drivers are clearly identified.

How to navigate the Customer Experience Tracker?

See a demo of the digital and interactive version of the Customer Experience Tracker, based on the Starbucks Customer Experience in the US, mapped from over 1,700 customer reviews.

Animated image, showing how Customer Experience Tracker works

How do we work together?

Minimal work is required on your side.

We start from your customers’ verbatim comments from the open-ended questions of your NPS or satisfaction studies (or we can conduct a specific study to collect customer feedback). We end up in a detailed Customer Journey map. Within 5 weeks.

What is unique about
KPAM Customer Journey mapping solution?

KPAM has developed a unique proprietary customer journey mapping solution.

1) Its unique approach consists of combining human and software, in order to be as precise, comprehensive and accurate as possible.
The more precise and accurate we are in identifying all expressed ideas, the more precise and accurate we are in terms of action plans.
100%-automated solutions may miss the specifics of a brand, the hardly commented emerging subjects, and the qualitative dimension, which provides the key underlying reasons behind the figures.

2) Importantly, KPAM’s unique proprietary linguistic software is able to measure the intensity of the speech. People may talk about an idea with a great deal of commitment, or with little involvement. This measure is key to evaluate the impact of a specific touch point on the overall customer experience. This is how moments of truth can be identified.